(Click here to read this article in PDF format in a seperate tab)


LiveDesks are assembled by putting together functional “pods” to make the perfect fit digital workplace for your teams, departments and workgroups.

Getting Started

Upon arriving into your Livedesk for the first time you will be presented with a blank canvas where you can begin to add pods and create your Livedesk Layout.

Adding Pods to LiveDesk

The Pods option is located in the top menu bar to the left (see the individual articles for each associated pod for additional detail in relation to functionality).  To add a pod: 

  • Navigate to the pods menu at the top of the room where in the dropdown, you will see a list of different types of pods 
  • Hover your mouse over the type of pod you wish to add 
  • You will see a new menu with the option either to add a new instance of that pod, or to load a saved pod that has been created previously (the below example highlights a user that has opted to add an image pod, but the principle is the same for all pods)

Once you have selected the pod that you wish to add it will appear in the management area to edit so as not to disrupt the flow of the desk (in the below example an Image Pod has been added as a result of selecting Add New Image).  Drag to the position you require within your layout in the main area of the desk:

Continue to populate your LiveDesk until you have achieved the desired layout that meets your business needs:

Managing Pods - Adding and Removing Headers

Pod headers can be added or removed/condensed- this can be useful if your LiveDesk is heavily populated and you require some additional space.  In order to toggle your Pod headers on/off, simply click on the Livedesk Pod Header toggle button situated towards the middle of LiveDesks menu bar (click on the below image to view as a pdf in a seperate tab):